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Video Walls / Digital Signage


If you have driven in a big city or visited a public space recently you know the visual impact a video wall can have. Video walls are available in a few different styles and the designers at Synapse can walk you through the ever changing technology to meet your needs. Large scale video walls offer up a unique set of design criteria to be considered. Synapse looks deeply into:

  • Control
  • Content
  • Resolution
  • Ambient Light Conditions
  • Signal distribution
  • Structural mounting

…providing a system that is reliable and has the desired impact. Whether you’re looking for a modest edge-blended TV array or a 30-story LED video wall, Synapse has the technological and structural knowhow to guide you.


Whether used for advertising, control room display or as a source of artistic visual impact, video walls offer the size and brightness necessary to turn heads. Display technology is ever-evolving, and employing a medium that is not bound by restrictions such as size, layout and content can allow for incredibly diverse design possibilities.


Today’s video walls can be integrated seamlessly with large entertainment style lighting systems, allowing the energy created by the video wall to be mirrored by the many other lights present. Custom programmed sequences timed to music can be created, bringing attention to the message being portrayed and adding unimaginable value to this type of communication medium. Video walls are often part of a building-wide display solution making simultaneous broadcasts of material a must. Synapse provides some of the most robust, easy to use media management solutions on the market, making it easy to select what content to send to what display and all with the push of a button.